A poet wrote these words in his autobiography, "Our minds are possessed by three mysteries, where we came from, where we are going, and since we are not alone, but members of a countless family, how we should live with one another." In other words, he says that mankind doesn't know where we came from, why we're here and where we're going. The past, present and future are a mystery that religion and philosophy have tried to explain.

The Divine Principle answers these and the other fundamental questions of life. Let's begin with the most fundamental question mankind has asked -- What is the nature of God?

The noted writer Will Durant has written, "...the oldest problem in philosophy [is] the existence and nature of God." The first chapter of the Divine Principle, the Principle of Creation, answers this question by first saying that God is invisible. We cannot see God. There are many things in this world which we cannot see yet we know they exist. Radio waves, x-rays and the air we breathe cannot be seen. We know of their existence by studying their effects. Our mind or our thoughts are also invisible. We express our thoughts and ideas with our bodies. God is invisible and expresses Himself in the universe.

God is invisible

Romans 1:20 says: "Ever since the creation of the world His invisible nature, namely, His eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made." By studying the effect, we can know the cause. By looking at creation, we can tell something about our creator, God.

To know a person, we study his or her behavior and achievements. Likewise to know God we study His creation. The universe can be divided essentially into six categories: human beings, animals, plants, molecules, atoms and particles.

God's nature -- dual characteristics

One of the most basic characteristics we see in these six categories is the duality of masculinity and femininity. Human beings are divided into men and women; animals into male and female; plants into stamen and pistil; molecules, atoms and particles into positive and negative charges. This means that the cause, God, must also be equally masculine and feminine. We call God "Father" but God, in reality, is father and mother.

The other absolute duality in these six categories is that of internal character and external form. The internal character of human beings is our minds, and the external form is our physical bodies. Animals have instinct and a body. Plants have an invisible directive nature and a body. Molecules have an invisible force that combines atoms. Atoms are made of particles united by this force. And particles are made of invisible energy.

Everything in the universe has internal character and external form. God, the cause, must also have an internal character and external form. God's internal character is His emotion, intellect and will, and His external form is energy,

God made the visible universe from His invisible energy.

       Internal Character                             External Form


1.  Mankind:



2.  Animals:



3.  Plants:

Invisible Directive Nature


4.  Molecules:

Invisible Force


5.  Atoms:

Invisible Force


6.  Particles:

Invisible Force









The idea that invisible energy is the substance of all visible things was mathematically introduced by Einstein in his formula E = mc². E stands for energy, m stand for mass or matter and c stands for the speed of light. This is scientific proof of a give and take relationship of invisible energy and visible matter. Invisible energy can change into visible matter and matter can change into energy.

E = mc ² Invisible = Visible